Injectable Certificates

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Program Overview

Chellsey Institute of Beauty and Health offers a comprehensive course teaching medical professionals how to inject client’s own platelet-rich plasma to grow new collagen, regenerate soft tissue and smooth and tighten skin. This course is taught by top medical aesthetics professionals, each with in-depth cosmetic injection experience. Our PRP training course is ideal for MDs, Nurses (NP, RN, RPN) and other healthcare professionals wanting to add medical aesthetics to their practices, and particularly for those wanting to offer in-demand, cutting-edge cosmetic treatments to their patients.

The utility of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has spanned various fields of dermatology from chronic ulcer management to trichology and aesthetics, due to its role in wound healing. Though PRP is being used over a long time, there is still confusion over proper terminology to define, classify and describe the different variations of platelet concentrates.

Request Information


Program Duration:

1 day

Class Schedule:

Saturday class (9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Admissions Requirements:

  • Course is only available to Doctors (MDs), Nurses (RN, RPN, NP), and International Medical Graduates (IMGs)

  • Admissions interview